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"the tube-shaped boom can be squashed flat and rolled like a tape measure"

What? That sounds crazy.

Turns out: it is.


YouTube: Deployable Composite Boom Technology Advances In Space Construction (NASA Langley Research Center)

Matthew Exon reshared this.

I mean... this is all 100% true, but the problem isn't the tech, it isn't the standard, it isn't even the implementation. It's Google and Apple's sizes and their ownership of browsers. There's only one solution here, it's antitrust action.

Matthew Exon reshared this.

in reply to Aram Zucker-Scharff

Great article. The missing piece is that this is exactly what happened to OpenID decades ago.

If we had stood our ground on interoperability back then, there would be no need for passkeys now. There's nothing wrong with passwords at all, if you only need one or two, and each is only used on one system. If identity providers were independent, competitive, and universally supported, passwords would be fine. Then 2FA would be an interesting, but entirely different and less important conversation.

But here we are. We have no problems that can be solved with more technical standards. Anything we try just provides cover for bad actors.

@AltStore was rickety to install, and it only has two apps, neither of which I want.

However. Apple's line is that "no-one really wants an alternative app store". This app store costs under €2/year. Proving Apple wrong is never not worth two euros.

Europe’s coolest alternative app marketplace157; is HERE!

Introducing AltStore PAL — an Apple-approved version of AltStore exclusive to the EU

Download now from our website for just €1.50/year (+ VAT) 🇪🇺

Matthew Exon reshared this.

DELIGHTED to say that my latest tech history column is live on Every and they've made this one free-to-read.

Because it covers one of the most overlooked founders of the golden age of computing: Lore Harp McGovern, founder of Vector Graphic who pioneered small/medium business computing.

She deserves to be better known. Certainly deserves more than a single paragraph on Wikipedia. Read and spread the word #computing #history

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in reply to John Bull

great article! I read a lot of semiconductor history from that same era. It was an amazing time. The industry that those pioneers created almost out of nothing (with no relevant courses being taught in school) is beyond impressive.
in reply to John Bull

Thanks for sharing this! It's great to get rid of one more blind spot. 😁

It seems I am now legally entitled to smoke weed, but only in my bedroom. Depending on the details of the land survey, I also may need to lean to the left when I inhale.

If there's a kind of cringe porn I can enjoy, the Horizon scandal is it. I'm seeing a bunch of little crimes and sorta-kinda engineering all stacking up to produce catastrophes. Looking forward to the definitive pop-tech-history full-length book.

BBC News: 'Damaging' testimony withheld from pregnant postmistress trial (By Nalini Sivathasan and Lorna Acquah)

Matthew Exon reshared this.

at last, someone is building the “how-to-blow-up-a-pipeline”-to-“blowing-up-a-pipeline” pipeline.

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Matthew Exon reshared this.

Australia’s cities have flags, and they are awesome!

Matthew Exon reshared this.

in reply to Deborah Pickett

Brisbane’s flag celebrates the pretzel, and rightly so, as it is a famous local delicacy.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

Wagga (“Wagga”) Wagga spells its initials with stalks of wheat. Thank goodness its name doesn’t start with S or G or some weird-ass curved letter.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

Hobart’s flag celebrates the legend of St George defeating the mutant starfish, the O.G. Tasmanian mutant joke.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

Sydney’s flag depicts the bringing of the Three Seashells to this land, and also the Three Lions, which became feral and are now considered an introduced pest.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

There are flags for the other capitals too, check out the article. I couldn’t seriously make fun of them because they’re so, so bad.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

@devopscats Adelaide's flag looks a bit silly, but it was an early attempt at agricultural region branding (eg, as done well by Italy's Puglia).

So the design had to be able to be stenciled to a burlap sack.

in reply to Deborah Pickett

Strongly suspect the author has never actually busted a gut crowning swans all day long just to make a crust. But sure, go ahead and lecture us about how to do it "properly".
in reply to Matthew Exon

@mat “The swan extended another eight feet of neck and gave an imitation of steam escaping from a leaky pipe.” — _Jeeves and the Impending Doom_, P.G. Wodehouse (1926)
in reply to Deborah Pickett

@mat Just started watching the glorious Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry Jeeves & Wooster. It's marvellous, but has me itching to reread all of Wodehouse again.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

you can still find one of those lions roaming around in the blue mountains
in reply to Deborah Pickett

they said the same thing about the Mt Dandenong Panther too, but I don’t believe it for one second
in reply to Deborah Pickett

it also has the Minions Pride Flag on the background of the boat, representing the assistance given to James Cook in his voyage and in the colonisation of Sydney.
in reply to Deborah Pickett

Coulda been worse, we coulda spelt the name with crows. Since the locals believed for many years the name meant “place of many crows.”
in reply to Deborah Pickett

I think the yellow and blue combination looks terrible. Brisbane's flag is a real shemozzle.

Though looking at other cities' flags for the first time... Brisbane's is about on par.

in reply to lucie digitální

Content warning: Ackchyually

Weird to recognise myself in the first part of a "history of" video 🧓 So glad to see 春游 only going from strength to strength!

#china #music

YouTube: History of Chun You Festival(春游历史短片)

Music Feed reshared this.

Matthew Exon reshared this.

THREAD: 7 months of work later, my Globe & Mail investigation into an Ethiopian state Facebook campaign reveals that at least 200 Ethiopian state institutions, from town administrations to ministries & even academic institutions, are using their Facebook pages to misinform & lure vulnerable women into being recruited for domestic worker jobs in Saudi Arabia, despite the grave dangers that enable human trafficking.

Another example of Meta platforms causing real life harm.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

Matthew Exon reshared this.

in reply to Zecharias Zelalem

To make things worse, when Meta penned its deal with the Ethiopian Ministry of Labor, Ministry official Nigusu Tilahun described the deal as one that would “prevent the use of Facebook by individuals who spread fake news and strive to create friction between people and government.” Coming from an authoritarian government that detains journalists and critical voices, such comments are hardly reassuring. So again, why would Meta get involved in this?
in reply to Zecharias Zelalem

While looking into the matter we learned that in 2021, Meta hired Helen Yosef Hailu, a former Ethiopian government official who until 2019 was a secretary in Prime Minister Abiy's office. She became Meta's Public Policy Manager for the East Africa region. Here, at the Meta partnership ceremony, she reunited with Labor Ministry rep Nigusu Tilahun, who in 2019 was her former colleague working in the Ethiopian Prime Minister's office. There are screaming potential conflicts of interest.

Matthew Exon reshared this.

AI models found to show language bias by recommending Black defendents be 'sentenced to death'

— The thing about this that terrifies me is the implication that lethal racism is embedded pervasively in our written culture at so deep a level that simple attempts to sanitize the LLM input data corpus doesn't even scratch the surface of the problem.

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Matthew Exon reshared this.

Tipoff from @kw217: Kazakhstan, which has not observed daylight saving for 20 years, is turning the clocks back at 0:00 on 1 March 2024, to 23:00 on leap day February 29 2024.

Definitely playing time zones on Hard Mode, Kazakhstan. Thanks for doing some QA on stacked edge cases for us all!

Matthew Exon reshared this.

in reply to Deborah Pickett

right but it's not daylight savings, the change is permanent: Kazakhstan will change from using two time zones to observing only one time zone in the entire territory: UTC+5.


Perrin pressed forward through the beech woodlands. Where an oak or a larch broke through the tree cover he enjoyed the cool breeze. At a creek he could pick a few hawthorne berries. But as he rested under an old willow, he wondered if he could reach the pine forest before nightfall.

My brain:

Dude is in trees. There are trees and also trees and trees. There was wind. At a water he ate tree fruit. He sat under a tree. He wants to get out of the trees and into different trees.

Heard someone seriously mention "the 30s" for the first time just now. I've been looking forward to the end of our long millennial linguistic nightmare for decades, and finally victory is in sight.

I'm very excited by the recent movement to build #transitous, a single #publictransport routing API based on public GTFS feeds. But this coverage map from is a shocker. That is, I assure you, not an accurate representation of the world's public transport. There are all kinds of wrong directions you can travel in if this is your starting point.

@tagesschau reported for two and a half minutes about this chart without mentioning the C-word once. #CoronaIsNotOver
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Matthew Exon

The best part was the owner of a tiny electronics factory complaining that at one point almost half her staff were out sick at the same time. What on earth could cause that?

I've never had any accountancy training. But at one point needed financial reports, and I said "How hard can it be? I'll write some Python scripts." So the one thing I do know about accountancy, is that it is FUCKING HARD with financial partners who are incapable of attaching unique IDs to transactions. Which is all of them.

That's why, although I barely dare to say it, I kinda have some sympathy for Fujitsu here.

#PostOfficeScandal #Accounting

Woah! I did not expect this to go through at all. I had fully expected to begin the process of giving up my existing citizenships this year.

Bundestag entscheidet über schnellere Einbürgerungen

Ausländerinnen und Ausländer sollen schneller die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit erhalten können, aber nur unter Bedingungen. Über die Pläne der Ampelkoalition stimmt heute der Bundestag ab. Die Kernpunkte der Reform im Überblick.


#Bundestag #Staatsangehörigkeit

The Wandering Shop: Charlie Stross (

This seems like the perfect chance to pitch my phone OS based on neoliberal orthodoxy. Instead of calling malloc() like godless communists, apps bid for memory in an on-device currency. And not just memory! CPU time, network connectivity, storage. Programs can trade off space/time performance based on the device's current market conditions. As the consumer, you can mint as much currency as you like, and allocate it to apps according to how much you value their use. Preorders will open soon, as soon as I get my Bahamas bank account set up.
(Not a reply because I believe Charlie has blocked me. And this post isn't likely to do me any favours either.)

Matthias Pfefferle reshared this.

Wordpress ActivityPub plugin 2.0.0! FWIW, Bidirectional Comment Federation is the last piece I personally was waiting for to declare this thing "feature complete". It means instead of a discussion on your blog and another discussion on social media, there's now a single conversation. Congratulations @Matthias Pfefferle !
Unknown parent

Matthias Pfefferle
@henrik subfolders are always tricky and you have to tweak some things, but it should work:

Debugging DNS logs on a laptop is like exploring the crawlspace under civilisation's house. I was perfectly happy not knowing those things were down there. Now I'm gonna have nightmares.

Interesting quote from Google's #gemini team:

"LLMs also struggle with tasks requiring high-level reasoning abilities like causal understanding, logical deduction, and counterfactual reasoning even though they achieve impressive performance on exam benchmarks."

Which is another way of saying LLMs are the exact opposite of critical thinking. That could be a useful shorthand. "Is critical thinking important in this task?" "Yes" ⇒ "LLM-free zone".

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"Ford’s methods were so influential that they became known simply as Fordism (something that Google and Facebook still haven’t achieved.)"

I dearly hope "Googlism" becomes a term for something you keep vague when telling people you have a doctor's appointment.

October cold is the worst kind of cold because you're constantly thinking about how much worse it'll get.

"We're migrating the company wiki, as part of the cleanup all pages without an edit in the last 6 months will be archived."

-- real thing said by a free-roaming employee not wearing a Hannibal Lecter muzzle.

in reply to Matthew Exon

"If you'd like a page not to be archived, please add a 'noarchive' label to it" he added, the struggling kittens splashing water over his wrists.

Huge news if true. This would be a worrying escalation that could throw the whole region into chaos, with implications for the supply chain worldwide. #bbc

BBC News: Giggles on the sofa! Pigeon CCTV has BBC hosts in tears


Ow ow ow my eyes! Sadly, much as I'd like to blame this on ChatGPT, I'm betting a human is responsible.

The New York Times: Museum Curators Evaluate A.I. Threat by Giving It the Reins (Zachary Small)

I would definitely have gone with the headline "Repair company lobbies for law change to permit expanding business into commercial machinery." Sometimes clickbait tactics are used for good, not evil. #ifixit

YouTube: Why McDonald's Ice Cream Machines Are Always Broken and How To Fix Them

IXI reshared this.

Thought I'd check in and, whaddayaknow, still there.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

My reaction when Naomi Wu went offline was basically "that's a shame, but you're probably right not to make a big fuss or fight this." Guess I misinterpreted that.

"Literally the only thing that was keeping me online for the past few years was they were worried it would make China look bad if they cracked down on me. Now that they know that I could be dead in a ditch tomorrow and no one would give a shit or say a word I’m 1000x less safe here."


This entry was edited (8 months ago)