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Okey dokey, Bruce Schneier, of all people, and @Henry Farrell literally suggesting we make a LLM president. Now, finally, I'm starting to worry, since apparently LLMs have begun eating brains and replacing our friends.

A.I. chatbots could run national electronic town hall meetings and automatically summarize the perspectives of diverse participants. This type of A.I.-moderated civic debate could also be a dynamic alternative to opinion polling.
in reply to Matthew Exon

"Literally" standing in here for some version of "actually they don't say or believe anything of the sort"? For starters, I don't believe that AIs are agentic - I see them as technologies for social information processing more or less along the lines of LLMs are like opinion surveys or libraries, not candidates for office.
in reply to Henry Farrell

in reply to Matthew Exon

I have more to say on this which is as yet unpublished but the _very_ short version is that democracies are shoggoths too.