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Twitter connector OAuth failure

On my main installation I've had a twitter connection set up for a long time. Now I'm trying to set up a test install with a test twitter account. When I try to connect my test friendica account to my test twitter account, I get "Invalid Twitter info". But also, the interface for setting up "apps" on Twitter's side looks completely different, like a whole different website. Which makes me suspect that whatever API Friendica uses has been killed off, and my existing connection only works because it's been grandfathered in.

So questions:

* Does the twitter addon still work for new connections?
* Am I supposed to be using "OAuth 1.0a" or "OAuth 2.0"?
* How can I troubleshoot the problems with my connection?

!Friendica Support

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Matthew Exon

Please upgrade your Twitter app for it to support the API v1 as we don't support the fledgling version 2 since it's lacking some critical features for the connector to work.
in reply to Matthew Exon

By "API v1" do you mean "OAuth 1.0a"? Because I already set it up with OAuth 1.0a. If you mean something else, I'll need some help figuring out how to do that. I can't see anything in their UI indicating which API it's using.

Here's a screenshot:
in reply to Matthew Exon

@Matthew Exon Twitter changed their end a while ago, maybe 2 years, when I set up the connector I also saw that the twitter website looks completely different. It is working on my server, but Twitter asked a whole bunch of questions about my "app", which seemed to be checked manually by some person after.

The server you're trying to get this running is your server, is it?
in reply to Matthew Exon

@utzer It's not the server I'm posting this from, no. It's a new test server on

The point of this, by the way, is that I finally am getting around to fixing mailstream so it correctly sends Twitter posts with attachments. At the moment it sends the text of the tweet but not any images. Since this is better than nothing, I want to have a test server with a test twitter account for development.
Unknown parent

Matthew Exon
Yep, looks like that's it. If I have other questions how to get it working I'll ask on that bug report. Thanks!